E Safety
The internet is such an integral part of children's lives. It opens up so many educational and social opportunities, giving them access to a world of information and experiences.
Whether on a computer at school, a laptop at home, a games console or mobile phone, children and young people are increasingly accessing the internet whenever they can and wherever they are.
As you would protect your child in the real world, you will want to make sure that they are safe whatever they are doing. Like learning to cross the road, online safety skills are skills for life. If your child understands the risks and can make sensible and informed choices online, they can get the most from the internet and stay safe whilst doing so - particularly from those people who might seek them out to harm them. Learning through the use of technology is a big part of life at Broadfield, so through this page and updates for parents, we aim to keep you as up to date as possible on how to keep children informed and safe whilst using the range of technology in our ever advancing world.
Click on the CEOP picture below to go straight to the CEOP website. Here you will find lots of information about e safety and it will help you to know what to do should you have a concern regarding e safety.
Click on the links below to read documents about how to keep safe whilst using different types of technology
CLICK HERE to go to the E safety Advisor. Here you will find lots of really information about keeping children safe whilst using technology.
CLICK HERE to go to an e safety resource designed for younger children
CLICK HERE to access the DITTO E-Safety magazine
CLICK HERE to access a power point presentation on online safety