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Welcome to Year 2

Woody  and Buzz 

Welcome to our page! Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in both  classes  on this page or via Class Dojo.

Please don't hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher too if you have any questions.




                                                                       Mrs Gaunt                                                                                    Mrs Harpham 

Mr Ellis (PPA cover)                                                                      Mr Ellis (PPA cover )

  Mrs Derbyshire                                                                            Miss Leach 

  Miss Begum                                                                                Miss Begum

                                                                                                     Miss Fallon 





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Year 2 Project

Summer two  - What type of ruler would you be?

In English

We will begin our final half term investigating animal adventure stories. Our chosen text is called ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis. We will start by recapping the structure of a story and the features using the Bog Baby as an example before planning and writing our own.


In Maths

We will be focusing first on ‘Statistics.’ Children will record their own data using a tally chart. This data will then be presented in a range of ways including a block graph and a pictogram. We will then focus on ‘Position and Direction’.


In Science

This term we will continue investigating plants. As we have already planted seeds, we will continue to study their growth using observations, photos and drawings. We will measure the plants and record our findings in a diary format.


In History

In History we will be finding out about Kings and Queens of the past. We will also be learning about King Charles. 



Our focus question in RE will be ‘How should we care for others and why does it matter? We will be learning about right and wrong. We will also look at stories about how some people have been inspired to care for others due to their religious beliefs.



We are going to be designing and creating a vehicle. We will look at mechanisms such as wheels and axles.

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Class Newsletters

Buzz Newsletter Autumn One

Woody Newsletter Autumn One 

Buzz Newsletter Autumn Two 

Woody Newsletter Autumn Two 

Buzz Newsletter Spring One 

Woody Newsletter Spring One 

Buzz Newsletter Spring Two

Woody Newsletter Spring Two

Buzz Newsletter Summer One 

Woody Newsletter Summer One

Buzz Newsletter Summer Two

Woody Newsletter Summer Two 



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Medium Term Plans

Medium Term Plan Autumn A

Medium Term Plan Autumn B

Medium Term Plan Spring A

Medium Term Plan Spring B

Medium Term Plan Summer A

Medium Term Plan Summer B 

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Children have PE twice a week.

Please ensure that your child has a sensible PE kit, including trainers in school for PE lessons on Mondays and Tuesday. This PE kit can them be kept in school for the remainder of the half term so that children have it in school when they need it. 




Homework is set on a weekly basis for Spellings and Number facts. The spellings and timestables are sent out via the apps (Spelling Shed and Timestables Rockstars) and can be accessed at home.  All children have log ins for both sites.  These need to be completed at least daily, to ensure the children get the best opportunities to succeed. 




Reading is a life skill, so it is so important that your child reads on a daily basis. Please make sure that your child reads every single night. Encourage them to read a variety of different books. Record how they read in their reading records.

*Ask your child questions about the book e.g.

-Can you predict what will happen next?

-Can you describe how the character might be feeling?

-Can you summarise the key points in the story?

-Is this fiction or non-fiction? How do you know?

 Reading books must be in school every day so that their progress can be monitored and their name moved up the class reading tree, the children will also need to read during the day. 



-Encourage your child to practice times tables at home.

-Ask your child mental maths questions as often as possible e.g. when you are sat in the car/ walking to school/ sat together at home. You could ask them additions, subtractions, doubles etc.

-Ask any siblings if they can remember a maths game that they played in school and encourage them to play together to make maths fun.



Useful websites



Please join our class dojo page too! Click on the link HERE to go straight to the website and sign up using your child's code. If you don't have the code please speak to Mrs Gaunt or Mrs Harpham  who will be able to give you your child's individual code.

Please keep checking back for updates on what we have been doing!