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Welcome to Nursery

Meet the Staff in Nursery

Miss McKay-Nursery Teacher

 Miss Phillips-Teaching Assistant

Mrs Paul-SEN Teaching Assistant


Please ensure your child brings spare clothes to school to keep in their box. These may be needed for a number of reasons including messy play and accidents. 

Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in Nursery on this page and on Class Dojo. If you need to speak to one of the Nursery members of staff feel free to do so at the start or end of the day.

What and how do we learn in Nursery?

In Nursery we are encouraged to explore, create, be curious, messy and have fun. Through all of this, we learn! 

All of our learning is focused on the 'Characteristics of Effective Learning'; Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating and Thinking Critically. Our classrooms and outdoor area are set up to enhance your child's learning and development of skills in these areas. 



Our Projects

In Nursery your child tells us what they love and we teach them all about it! We also base our projects on the experiences and skills that we know the children need to learn about from our regular assessments.  We like to ensure your child loves to learn and the way to do that is to learn about what they love. We use our knowledge of the children and observations of their learning to create lots of exciting and practical learning opportunities around their ideas and Characteristics of Effective Learning. 

Autumn A - Big Question... Why is it marvellous to be me?

This term we will be learning all about ourselves and what makes us unique. We will begin by looking at all our favourite things as well as thinking about our similarities and differences with our friends. Have a look below at some of the activities we will be completing this half term.

Autumn B - Big Question... What is your favourite celebration?

This term we will be learning all about different celebrations. We will look at different celebrations in turn using key texts to focus our learning. We will use each key text to support is in creating different pieces of writing from instructions to cards, captions and lists.

Spring A - Big Question... Who helps me in my world?

This term we will be learning all about different occupations including doctors, police officers, fire fighters, teachers, opticians and dentists. We will look at each profession in turn and create a non-fiction book to showcase our learning.

Spring B - Big Question... What's great about animals?

This term we will be looking at lots of different animals. We will look at different animal groups and where they live. We will use two key texts to support our learning 'Dear Zoo' and 'Shark in the Park'. In Maths we will be looking at the numbers 4, 5 and 6 as well as shapes and ordering events.

 Summer A - Big Question... How big is my world?

This half term we will be looking at the world around us. We will be using the text 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' to explore our environment. We will also be looking at the life cycle of frogs and how we can care for things in our world. In Maths we will continue to look at shapes as well as beginning to look at the language of measure for both height and length.

Summer B... How can you be an achievosaur?

This half term we will be learning all about dinosaurs. We will be looking at key texts such as 'Dinosaur ROAR!' and 'Tyrannosaurus drip' to support our learning. We will be looking at dinosaur facts, learning about fossils and finding out what happened to the dinosaurs. In maths we will start to look at weight, capacity and direction. 

Our current knowledge organiser... 

Our most recent newsletter...