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At Broadfield Community Primary School, we have a high percentage of EAL pupils due to the diversity of the community we serve.


In most cases, children join our school with little understanding of the English language meaning vocabulary and communication are key focuses in the Early Years. Mobility is also high with most new starters being new to English. Our main aim is to settle the children as quickly as possible into school life which will help them to develop, not only an understanding of the academic aspects of English, but the use of language for social interaction. Our priority is that all pupils have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which promotes vocabulary and provides opportunities for children to communicate.


We believe English is best learnt through immersive environments, the curriculum, and EAL pupils being encouraged to play a full part in all learning opportunities. Broadfield helps EAL pupils to integrate into the school through a supportive induction process where speaking one or more languages is celebrated and viewed as a positive and life enriching asset.