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Welcome to Year 1


                                                                Mrs Kelly                                               Mrs Smith-Butler (Mon-Weds)

                                                            Miss Partridge                                                    Mrs Platt (Weds-Fri)

                                                            Mr Greenfield                                                             Mrs Khan


PPA cover

Mrs Wall

Mrs Coleman


Trainee Teacher

Miss Higgins


Please keep up to date with everything that is happening in Year 1 on this page and on Class Dojo.

If you need to speak to one of the Year 1 members of staff, please make an appointment at the school office.

Summer B

In English we are going to be exploring stories from other cultures. We will also explore ‘poems to learn by heart’ with a focus on poetry by Julia Donaldson. In Maths we will explore position and direction before moving on to place value up to 100. In Geography we will be studying the United Kingdom. We will look at the countries that make up the UK, the seas which surround the UK and the features of the four countries. In DT we will be focusing on food. We will consider healthy and unhealthy foods before practising the skills needed to prepare food. We will then create our own fruit kebabs. In RE we will be exploring the question ‘What does it mean to belong to a faith community?’ In Science we will continue exploring plants with a focus on trees.

Summer A

Big Question...

Who are Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale?

In English we explored fantasy stories using the book ‘Beegu’ by Alexis Deacon as inspiration. In Maths finished our work on place value up to 50 and then moved on to measuring length and height. In History studied nurses Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and how they influenced the way we live today. In Art explored art by Leonardo Da Vinci, particularly the 'Mona Lisa'. We then learnt all about drawing self portraits before we created our own. In Science explored plants including the parts of a plant, how a plant grows and the things they need to be able to grow. In RE we explored the question ’How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?’ In Geography we continued with our work on the weather and seasons.

Spring B

Big Question...

What is your favourite animal and why?

In English we wrote our own recounts using our in school animal visit as our focus. We explored poetry with the theme of ‘minibeasts’. In Maths we continued with our work on addition within 20 before we moved on to place value up to 50. In DT we had to create our own free-standing structures so we designed and created a rocket. In RE we explored the question ‘What makes some places sacred?' and visited the local church as part of our learning. In Science we continued to investigate different types of animals. We explored a range of animals and compared their similarities and differences before classifying them. In Geography we explored the season of Spring by looking at the weather and comparing Spring to the other seasons.


Spring A

Big Question...

How has technology changed?

In English we looked at our first non-fiction text and used it to help us write a non-chronological report. We then moved onto exploring traditional rhymes looking at the structures and language used. We continued to follow the White Rose scheme in Maths and moved on to place value within 20 and addition and subtraction within 20. In Science we investigated different types of animals including humans. We started by identifying and naming common mammals, reptiles and birds. We then described their features and compared them. In History we explored technology. We looked at technology from the past to the present and considered how it has changed over the years. In Art we studied Van Gogh's famous painting 'Starry Skies' and considered what techniques and materials he used. We then used what we had learnt to create our own piece of Art in a similar way. In RE we explored the question 'Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?' and also had the opportunity to visit a local mosque!


Autumn B

Big Question...

What is the oldest toy in the world?

In English, we looked at a range of stories by author Oliver Jeffers. We explored the story structures, characters and settings before writing our own stories in the same style. In Maths we worked on addition and subtraction within 10. We explored materials in Science, looking at the properties and comparing the similarities and differences. We compared old toys and news toys in History looking at how they have changed over the years. In DT we made our own Christmas cards using sliders and levers. We started by designing our cards before creating them using a range of equipment and materials. In RE we explored the question ‘What is a Christian and what do they believe?’. 


Autumn A

Big Question...

What makes me amazing?

In our first term in Year 1 we learnt all about ourselves. In English we looked at traditional tales with a focus on Jack and the Beanstalk. In Maths we started by sorting and counting objects before moving onto finding one more and one less of a given number. We investigated the human body in Science and how they work. We also investigated our senses and which part of the body they belong to. In Geography we explored the area we live in and our local area. In Art we looked at the colour wheel as well as the different techniques we can use when using a paint brush. We worked as a team to create some super Art work in the style of Jackson Pollock. We used what we had learnt about primary and secondary colours and the different techniques we could use when working with a paintbrush!




Medium Term Plans

Autumn A

Autumn B

Spring A

Spring B

Summer A

Summer B



Autumn A Newsletter

Autumn B Newsletter

Spring A Newsletter

Spring B Newsletter

Summer A Newsletter

Summer B Newsletter

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Important things to remember...

PE Kits

We will have PE twice a week. Please ensure your child brings their outdoor PE kit to school every Thursday and wears their indoor PE kit to school every Friday. This should include black jogging bottoms or leggings, white polo top and a black jacket for outdoor PE sessions. Please also ensure your child has appropriate sports shoes with velcro fastenings in their PE kit to change into. Please can all uniform and PE kit be labelled with your child's name.

Forest School

All children will be taking part in weekly Forest School activities to promote team building, communication and language and independence skills. Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat in school everyday as they will access our forest school even when it is raining! You may also wish to send in a pair or wellies to keep in school for your child to change into.

Reading Books

Your child's reading book will be changed every Thursday. Please can you read with your child at home for 10 minutes every night and sign their reading record. This Reading Record needs to be brought into school every day in order to move up the troll tree. If you make it to the top of the troll tree by reading every day you will be entered into the prize draw to win a book in our celebration assembly.

Your child will also bring home a book to share with you as they will not be able to read it independently. 

Please respect our school books.


Each Friday your child will have a spelling test. The spellings will be sent home in their spelling book on Friday and will also be on Spelling Shed, your child will be given a log in for this during the first week back.

Children will also now be bringing home a phonics workbook. Please only complete the pages that are noted on the post it note. This will usually be 2 pages. It is extremely important that children focus and concentrate on their phonics work therefore 2 pages a week is plenty. Thank you.



Useful websites