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                                   Welcome to our ECO Page

At Broadfield School, we are teaching the children to take care of their local environment. We are teaching them that they can THINK GLOBALLY, but ACT LOCALLY.

The children may hear things in the news globally; about fires, floods and failed crops for example, and think they can't change this.

We want our children to realise that we can ALL make a difference; by our choices, decisions and actions, both at school and at home.

What we ALL do locally, can have a positive impact on what happens Globally. 


For the Last 2 years we have been successful in Achieving the Green Flag Award, from 'Keep Britain Tidy.' 


Each year we have an after school ECO club, that meet weekly, who work hard to help our school achieve this award, and to help make our school community more environmentally friendly.


Here is the Positive Feedback we received, when we were once again awarded The Green Flag.